This past weekend I spent some time watching teachings from Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche and it was precisely what I needed. You know that awesomeness when causes and conditions come together to bring some delicious teachings to your computer right at the time when you need to hear those specific teachings. Yeah. It’s a nice bit of auspiciousness when it happens. Usually I get cat videos.
I’m still processing whether enlightenment can come through watching cat videos but I digress… Rinpoche delivered a talk on the subject of this book
‘Rebel Buddha’ which was just released in Spanish as ‘El Buda Rebelde’ and then gave for sessions on Green Tara practice. The talks were profound and yet accessible and showcased Rinpoche’s ability to bring modern pop culture to the delivery of traditional wisdom. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard a teaching where he hasn’t mentioned his love of the Rolling Stones!
So I want to share with you the wish that you too come across the teachings that you need to help you out with your practice - with your life - with your problems - to help re-invigorate your way on the path. Regardless of whether these teachings come your way via a Google Hangout in Mexico City or right in front of your face, may we all receive the wisdom we need to help us and in turn, to help us help others.
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